ads/auto.txt Cara mudah Buat Curry Laksa Mee Paling Sedap

Cara mudah Buat Curry Laksa Mee Paling Sedap

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Curry Laksa Mee.

Curry Laksa Mee Anda boleh buat Curry Laksa Mee menggunakan bahan 5 dan 5 step by step. Inilah caranya buat Curry Laksa Mee yang benar .

Bahan-bahan Curry Laksa Mee

  1. Siapkan untuk Brinjal (cut to cubes).
  2. Anda perlu untuk Long beans (cut to about 1.5 inch).
  3. Anda perlu untuk Packet of Curry Laksa paste.
  4. Anda perlu untuk Fried tofu (cut into halves).
  5. Anda perlu untuk Egg noodle.

Cara buat Curry Laksa Mee

  1. Put water to boil.
  2. Put in about 3 table spoons of Curry Laksa paste (as different curry laksa paste may have different thickness, it's best to add to taste). Boil for about 5 minutes..
  3. Put in cut brinjal, tofu and long beans. Let boil for about 10 to 15 minutes..
  4. In a separate pot, boil egg noodle..
  5. Put cooked egg noodle in a bowl, together with the curry laksa and serve..